Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The shoutbox

Newsflash: My shoutbox has a limit of sixty posts an hour, which was not exceeded, but who am I to argue with its programmer? I will not be upgrading any time soon. Perhaps I should get a groupboard instead for the few times that there is convergence of real humans in real time.


Anonymous said...

It would be a good idea. Is it free?

Julie H. Rose said...

I had one on an old blog, so I presume it's free. We'll see. Btw, I woke up feeling sick today. Often, I mistake being sick for depression - y'know, low energy, the urge for sleep. . .but it's pretty obvious I'm not well today. So, I'm going back to bed!

Anonymous said...

Oh, get well, and take lots of naps.
Hmm, I've been sick for the past few days too.
Luckily my sniffer hasn't been affected.
I'd be really depressed if I lost my sense of smell, even temporarily.

Julie H. Rose said...

Hope you feel better soon! I do. A nap was all it took. Some of my nausea, I think, was actually due to anxiety over schoolwork. So, it was psychological, after all.

I can not imagine a world without smell. I have met people who had total anosmia and they seemed cold.

I also read an interesting article about a man whose sense of smell became so acute that he had to go live in the woods - the world became one big stench (and he owned a pizzeria). His "case" was solved, but I don't remember how.