Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I finally have a writing block (sort of)

I'm having trouble thinking up things I want to blog about. I've written this before, and was sent many good suggestions. But, where are they? I should spend a bit of time searching for them. I remember saying, "Great suggestion! I'll do it!" So, I will. I promise.

Lately, though, I've been feeling like a lousy writer. Don't bother to leave a comment telling me that I'm not. I know I'm not. It's just the way I'm feeling. I do believe in the aphorism "feelings aren't facts", and I'm glad I do, for it saves me a lot of grief.

Facebook, I have to admit, is eating up a lot of my blogging time. I just joined a few weeks ago, and I'm in the honeymoon period. It's been more fun that I could ever have imagined re-meeting old friends from childhood. My childhood is a time and place that I've tried to run away from, so it's wonderful to discover that I have some good memories and that the people I was friends with have grown up to be such interesting adults. The only downside to the conversations I've had with these old friends is my constantly answering "No" to any question that starts with the words "Do you remember when?"

I actually love the silliness of Facebook. Oh, I'm sure there's a serious side, but I'm not seeing it. I've been enjoying designing quizzes for friends to take. They all seem terribly narcissistic, with titles like "How well do you know me" and "How alike are we?", but I'm learning more about the people taking the tests (since I see the answers) than they do about me. It's a hoot!

If someone would give me a job writing quizzes, I'd be delighted. Hello? Anyone hear that?!

So, maybe my writing creativity is being eaten up by quiz writing. I dunno.

I do need some new perfumes to write about. But I'm afraid that no scents will compare to the ones I love dearly. But I can still live in hope. After all, one of favorites came out in 2008 (Goutal's Encens Flamboyant). But, it's a long shot that anything new and exciting will be produced. I know there's plenty of perfume geniuses out there, but how new can anything be? It might be time for me to explore Christopher Brosius' I Hate Perfume a bit more. He is the embodiment of creativity. But, I don't really like wearing his scents. I like sniffing them. "Forest Floor" is a fascinating scent, but I don't want to smell of dirt and mushrooms. Well, sometimes I do, actually, but that's the beautiful scent of having just worked in the garden.

I see that this post is getting longish, and the title says I have a writing block. I do. This is not a coherent post - it's just me rambling about what just happens to be on my mind at this moment.

Now that I am aware of that, I'm stopping. You didn't come here to read my diary. And if you happen to remember what fantastic idea you had for me, one to which I said "Great! I'll write about that ASAP!!", please remind me. I'm lazy.

Painting note: Arshile Gorky. Diary of a Seducer, 1945. Oil on canvas, 126.7 x 157.5 cm. The Museum of Modern Art, New York.© 2007 Estate of Arshile Gorky/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

I don't care much for this painting. The reason I posted it? I googled "diary" and it came up. So, I figured I'd put up an image that I wasn't wild for, and see if anyone else likes it. Do you? If so, I'd like to know what about it moves you.

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